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释放速度,点燃激情——诺葳奇中秋观影活动 一年一度的中秋佳节,作为中国一个传统节日,有道是“每逢佳节陪思亲”,“月到中秋分外阴”,在这思乡、思家、思团聚的美好时刻。公司就是一个大家庭,同事们都是我们的小伙伴!为了丰富公司的文化,让小伙伴们能过上一个难忘的中秋佳节,也为了促进小伙伴们之间的交流,增进感情,公司组织观影活动。

BoboChic house online on April 15. Come on and start your life of pet and luxury. BoboChic house is an e-commerce platform that helps merchants realize online sell the pet products. There is no need opening costs here, you can have your own exclusive pet store at zero cost. BoboChic house is cooperate with major well-known pet brands, all products in the mall are shipped directly by the supplier, 100% authentic guarantee. At the same time, the BoboChic house represents the shopkeeper to discuss cooperation with the brand merchants, and it has obtained hundreds of pet supplies agency rights. All products in the mall are from the direct supplier of the brand, completely solve the problem of after-sales service.

Address:Floor 1001,No. 1759, jinshajianglu Road,Putuo District ,Shanghai           Contact number:021-61136480

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